Brinnan from SCLS delivery sends messages out to all our libraries a couple of times a year sweetly informing us that our fantastic delivery office needs red bins and asks library staffers to send as many empty ones back to her as possible. I've often wondered how these red bins are used and now I have the answer: librarians put adorable babies in them.
I must petition Phyllis and Bruce to name Ivy the official SCLS Delivery Service Baby and suggest that we screen this photo on every van and truck in our fleet. Who's willing to sign on to my very reasonable request?
I second your request! I would love to see Ivy's sweet face on every SCLS delivery van. It must be a librarian thing, because somewhere I have a picture of an infant Madeline in her carseat atop a stack of red buckets at SMB. Our daughters are DOOMED!
Just as long as it's not a Skinner box!
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