Sunday, September 28, 2008


When I was young I loved spending time with my cousins (and I still love spending time with them). We spent long afternoons playing and creating imaginary worlds on the shores of the Waumandee Creek. I envied my courageous little sister who fearlessly and effortlessly crossed the creek by scampering across a low branch of a large oak tree that spanned the creek. (I hope that I don't get her in trouble with Mom by revealing this information!) I was a timid child and always took the safer, and much longer, route of crossing the creek, which involved climbing over a barbed wire fence and walking down a cow path that eventually led to a rickety metal bridge. I still have a scar on my left palm from a harrowing incident in 1980 when I got caught on the fence. I'm fairly sure that I was hanging from that fence, attached to it by my left boot heel and a flap of skin on my hand, for 15 minutes while my cousins Jo and Janet furiously worked to free me from the cruel barbs of the fence. They were pretty good sports and didn't laugh about my mishap until I was back on solid ground.

Ivy's cousins are helping all of us get ready for her homecoming. They're looking forward to teaching her so many things and I know that they will never teach her risky behaviors. They're already sharing their crib with Ivy and it makes me incredibly happy seeing it set up in our house. We're also so lucky to have a niece who has impeccable taste in clothes because we're borrowing so many of her lovely little baby clothes from her! Here she is describing an especially important item of clothing:

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Here is Ivy's first photo with her Grandma & Grandpa B., her Aunt Kersten & Uncle Jim and her cousins who can't wait for her to come home.  She's a lucky little girl and as soon as we get a photo with her Grandma & Grandpa K. and her Aunt Christine I'll post it here, too!  We're looking forward to infusing some Korean culture into this family that's made up of Germans, Poles,  Norwegians, Swiss, Irish, French-folk and Russians.  I think that Ivy's Great-Grandma Anna and Great-Grandpa Ottmar would have enjoyed sitting down with her to share a big bowl of kimchi.

Ivy's Great-Aunt Aggie has already promised to sing the Polish birthday song to her on her first birthday.  So, on March 3rd we'll begin Ivy's birthday party by having the traditional Korean Tol celebration and then we'll call the Great-Aunts Aggie & Lola in New Jersey and ask them to sing Sto Lat to their great-niece.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here's Ivy playing with a chew-toy!  Her very fancy bow makes us smile.

Our first family portrait

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ivy Kestrel

We've been holding her in our hearts for the past few weeks and Kevin and I are thrilled to announce that we are the proud parents of a little girl, Ivy Kestrel Hyejin, who was born in South Korea. 

Ivy is in a nurturing place with a loving foster mother and foster father, but we want to hold her in our own arms and hope to bring her home to Madison by the end of the year.  Thanks to all our family and friends who have been sending loving thoughts out into the universe - please keep sending those positive thoughts and wishes as we'd love to travel to Seoul as soon as possible to bring our baby girl home.